
Post not yet marked as solved
11 Replies
Thanks for getting back to me so quick. I tried both clearing the purchase history and using a new Sandbox account over the weekend but the error is still occurring, so I created feedbag ticket FB12884381.
Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
In case anyone-else comes across this problem, I think I found an explantion in the Xcode 11 Simulator release notes :-iCould Drive isn’t supported in iOS 13.0 and earlier simulator runtimes when running on macOS Catalina 10.15. Logging into iCloud on impacted simulators will result in birdterminating and relaunching in a cycle. (51392951) Workaround: Log out of iCloud in impacted simulators to halt the crash cycle. I'll try a new simulator running iOS 13.1 once I've downloaded & installed Xcode GM seed 2 and report back.Regards,Richard